Category: inspiration

One of the hardest things for many people is to step back from your work and see where its going. Most artists suffer from that myopic vision. Either you think your work is amazing, super important and you can’t understand why the phone isn’t ringing off the hook from galleries and clients – or you are so down on your work that its value and impact is lost in a sea of self doubt. (more…)

I’ve spent a few mornings recently standing in snow, wind, and sub-freezing temperatures shooting activities at the Amesbury Sports Park . It’s hard to hide the fact that it was pure fun, so why try to hide the fact. The facility has always been known for its great tubing runs and lifts, but this year they added a new lift – it’s not unlike a moving sidewalk at an airport – and a junkyard terrain park. (more…)

Wow…2010. A whole new decade, starting off with people undecided how to say it. Is is twenty ten or two thousand ten…or does it really matter?

I was going to post a look back at the last decade, but its pretty overwhelming when I think about the fact that at the beginning of the new millennium – remember the big scare with Y2K – well on New Year’s Eve I was in El Paso, Texas, having just covered the Sun Bowl and people were afraid to fly because they thought all the onboard computers might crash. (more…)

For those of you who thought tap dance was old-fashioned, stodgy, or simply people clicking away on a stage…WRONG!

A couple of night’s ago I had the opportunity to photograph a performance of Clara’s Dream, a jazz and tap rendition of The Nutcracker produced by Maine dancer and artistic director Drika Overton. The costumes were stunning, the stage lighting and set design phenomenal, the band tremendous…but all paled in comparison to the dancers. They could have put this show on on your local street corner and it still would have been mind-blowing. (more…)

Busman’s holiday

October 22, 2009

Well, if we assume that that expression comes from when a busman went on vacation, he or she had to drive, then the title for the post works…if not, please tell me the genesis of the expression.

My nephew was married recently in Pittsburgh, PA. I went – carrying only 1 camera and 1 lens. (more…)

New Hampshire weather being as fickle as it is, Ashley, Shaun and I kept getting weathered out on our plans for an engagement shoot, but managed to squeeze it in short days before their wedding.

We caught a beautiful day to meander around Portsmouth’s Prescott Park and the area around it. Highlight of the day was a boat of fisherman watching the shoot and yelling their congratulations to the couple. (more…)

New Website

May 19, 2009

It’s been a labor of love – and sweat – and frustration – and major help from friends old and new…but the new website is finally live.

I started talking about doing a new site in the fall with the goal of being online with it by the end of the year. I was still talking about it in January, February, March…you get the drift. This afternoon it finally was as done as it was going to get without public viewing and feedback, so take a stroll over and let me know what you think. (more…)

Spring morning

April 6, 2009

Out with the dog for an early morning, see the sunrise, take the camera because who knows, walk in the fields. The sounds of waking geese singing on the pond, the squish of mud as winter slowly thaws away. No coffee just the early chill of the false dawn to pop open the eyes. Life really is good! (more…)